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Airway Scope AWS-S200 hero image
Airway Scope AWS-S200 hero image
Make difficult intubation easier

Airway Scope

Airway Scope AWS-S200 logo image


The Airway Scope AWS-S200, video laryngoscope, is a medical device designed to facilitate safe and secure intubation of patients, particularly in difficult situations.

  • The high-definition color LCD display offers a superior laryngeal view.
  • The disposable blades include a tube guide groove.
  • Four different sizes of NK PBLADE disposable blades for use in patients from neonates through adult minimize the risk of cross-contamination.
  • The waterproof construction allows it to be used outdoors, even in the rain.
  • The Airway Scope offers shorter median time to intubation than other devices.
thumbnail accessories and consumables

Acessórios e Consumíveis

Interface Homem Máquina interface de usuário  conecta o humano e a máquina , é muito importante  para visualização dos processos internos no corpo. Nihon Kohden desenvolve e fabrica acessórios importantes como sensores e eletrodos.
