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Centro de Educação

Centro de Educação

Nihon Kohden Global Education Center is a learning platform that provides various training programs and information to ensure a proper understanding and deepening of knowledge about our products in all medical fields.

Our Approach

In an ever-changing medical environment, Nihon Kohden strives to become the beacon that lights the path forward to the future of people and healthcare around the world through creating new value with the philosophy we have upheld since our founding.
Human resource development is essential to realising this, and human resource development is the source of value creation at Nihon Kohden.
Through Nihon Kohden Global Education Center, we aim to cultivate employees who can adapt globally and take on the challenge of creating new value.

For Our Partners

Nihon Kohden is Japan's leading manufacturer, developer and distributor of medical electronic equipment with subsidiaries in the USA, Europe and Asia and distributors in nearly every country in the world.
Nihon Kohden not only strives to improve the quality and safety of its products, but also supports customers to manage safety and helps spread medical technologies, which directly links with safety after a product has been delivered.
By providing a range of learning content, Nihon Kohden Global Education Center supports you gain the necessary knowledge and experience to get the most out of your Nihon Kohden equipment.

Education and Training Resources

Nihon Kohden Global Education Center offers on-demand learning courses, product-specific trainings, training materials, webinars with healthcare experts and a certificate of successful completion.

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